My favorite 10 minute ‘quickie coaching’ goals exercise

by | Jan 1, 2016 | Coach Training

sparklerHappy New Year!

This is a day I adore because it’s a day of new beginnings.

Towards that, I want to coach you to start your new year with clarity, intention and purpose (which is my “side-door” into goal setting so that you stay connected to what it is you really want).

You’ll notice the easy steps I’m sharing here relate to you AND your business, because feeling whole and integrated is critical for your success as a woman entrepreneur.

To get you started, all you need to do are these 3 simple steps:

#1 Claim Your Current Vision
This is one sentence that declares specifically and clearly what you want to create.

When I first started my business my vision was simple: to replace my j-o-b salary of $55k per year.

At the time I had no idea I would (or even could!) create a multi 7-figure business, empower the lives of thousands of women entrepreneurs to create 6-figure+ coaching businesses, be recognized as an industry leader, certify over 1,200 people in our coaching programs, etc.

There is no way at that time I could have visioned — let alone claimed — the type of impact and success I’ve ended up creating!

The point is to start where you are  NOW.

It’s OKAY if your current vision statement is all about you (you can always go more global once you get your own needs met first. This doesn’t make you a ‘bad person’ – it makes you an empowered leader of your life).

What matters is that your vision makes you light up when you say it, it feels exciting and you would oh-so-love to see it materialize!

Print out this email/blog post and write your vision statement here:

#2 Choose Your “Word of the Year”
This is one word that you’ll carry forward with you throughout the year, using it to illuminate where you can grow personally, plus use it to direct your business actions.

My word last year was “completion” and because of it, I completed projects, rid myself of habits that weren’t serving me, and even let go of team who were great people but no longer in alignment with my goals.

Did I complete everything on my to-do list? Nope.

Did living and breathing my word of the year change who I am and the design of my business? YES!

So what is your word of the year?

Don’t think too hard about this — let the word come to you.

Write your word of the year here:

#3 Claim Your Money Goal
Two beliefs I hold dear (and you’ll often hear others repeating, they’re that good) is that how you do money is how you do everything, and money loves attention.

Claiming your money goal serves as a powerful catalyst for you to give the Big 3 — your time, energy and actions — the FOCUS and direction required to see a real, measurable difference in your income and impact in 2016.

Here’s how: Choose a number that feels like a stretch, yet still feels achievable.

For example, if you’re not yet at 6-figures, then make that your goal.

If you’re already close to 6-figures then double what you’ve already done.

And if you’re already into 6-figures then go for a 2x or 3x goal.

The key here is to choose a money goal that gets you out of your same-old/same-old thinking, because the thinking that got you where you are won’t get you where you want to BE.

Write your money goal here:

I urge you to print this out and write down all 3 elements of this simple system!

Writing connects your head and heart, and is the distinction between wishful thinking, and a powerful intention that has clarity and purpose.

Big New Year’s HUGS to you!

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My favorite 10 minute ‘quickie coaching’ goals exercise