Private clients or group coaching?
I think you’ll love the answer, which is… BOTH.
This is the beauty of a coaching business working with women entrepreneurs — you get to have variety so that you’re never bored.
But too much variety, all at once, will only complicate your business and can even massively slow down how much you’re making.
So here’s my first million dollar coaching tip…
Launch your coaching business with private clients first (VIP Days and either 90-day or 6-month private clients are my go-to model).
This is fast and easy to do, and gives you significant cash flow so you feel confident in your business model.
Then, add in group coaching once you’re confident with your coaching skills and that yearning to ‘go group’ is too strong to ignore.
And here’s my next million dollar coaching tip…
Always make sure to keep your private clients at the top of your profit pyramid – meaning they get more access to you than compared to a group, and invest with you at your top tier coaching fee.
And one more million dollar coaching tip…
As your group gets going, you can cut back on working with private clients and focus more on marketing so you can scale your group up with either more people or a higher price point.
I know… sounds too simple, right?
But simple is good.
Simple gives you freedom to love your life.
Simple gives you the time and energy to create your coaching business as money making as you dare dream it to be.