Over-Giving vs. Over Delivery: A Vital Distinction That Frees You To Grow Your Coaching Business

by | Apr 26, 2024 | Podcast

If you’ve ever been tempted to cram more and more into your coaching packages, you’ve probably been hooked into over-giving.

Over-giving is a huge issue in the coaching space, leading to burnout and overwhelm for both you and your clients, and limiting your growth as a coach.

If you think over-giving is the same as overdelivering, this episode is for you.

If you want to grow your coaching business without burnout, tune in this week.

Listen to this week’s Money Coach School Podcast episode & discover:

☑️ Why over delivery and over-giving are NOT the same thing, and how to spot the important distinction between them.

☑️ How over-giving is preventing bringing in the high-quality clients you love to coach.

☑️ How over-giving is suffocating and pressuring your clients, narrowing the space available for clean, generous coaching.

☑️ Why over delivering is a key business strategy, takes very little time, and how it taps into generosity without burnout.

☑️ Simple ideas for how you can over deliver in your coaching business, so you provide real value and earn more while working less.

☑️ Tips on how to spot where you’re over-giving (and stop it) instead of over delivering (which you want) in your coaching business.

Plus you’ll learn how to overdeliver in your coaching business, so you can make more money, work fewer hours, and fall in love with the value and contribution you’re bringing forward for your clients.

Listen now – find episode 31 at www.themoneycoachschoolpodcast.com/31 or on your favorite podcast app.


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Over-Giving vs. Over Delivery: A Vital Distinction That Frees You To Grow Your Coaching Business