My 2011 Certified Money, Marketing and Soul® Coach training program

by | Jan 13, 2011 | Coach Training

Sitting on the leather “fainting couch” where I coach and lead teleseminars. I’m a big believer in setting up your environment for success, so I thought you’d like a peek at my office. Yes, I have a desk (it’s on the other side of the room). No, I don’t have clutter as that drains me of valuable energy and creativity. I love decorating my office with period-inspired furnishings, art, handmade candles and other little special touches that make me feel luxurious. You don’t need to spend a fortune but you DO need a work space that is free of distractions and helps you stay focused. My advice? Start by clearing out the clutter, bring fresh flowers into your office and make certain what you see when sitting at your desk says, “success!”

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to add coaching income to your business, a new coach or an experienced coach, this is for you…(But, you need to HURRY, as the $1,000 SAVINGS ENDS at midnight, this FRIDAY, JANUARY 14.)

I’m ready to PERSONALLY train you to generate CONSISTENT coaching 1ncome and create a steady flow of ideal, high paying clients…all by offering PROVEN CONTENT clients excitedly love to pay you to coach them on.

This highly marketable content, plus done-for-you marketing materials, coach training and more are ALL included in my 2011 Certified Money, Marketing and Soul® Coach training program (“CMMS”), happening Feb 28-Mar 3, 2011.

Consider these documented results from past CMMS graduates:

  • 63% of last year’s CMMS graduates MORE than paid for their  training within their FIRST 90-days
  • 43% made MORE than $10,000 within their first 90-days
  • 37% made more than $20,000 and 20% made MORE than $30,000  in their first 90-days (to be perfectly candid, 5 graduates  made more than $50,000 in their first 90-days)

Many of these success stories happened for participants who were either brand new to coaching or came from other industries (such as therapy, health and wellness, corporate coaching, consulting or speaking) and had very little prior coaching experience. Which means if they can do this, so you can you.

CMMS training includes every template, form, handout, script — plus marketing training and even pre-written sales letter copy — you need to generate 1ncome as a professional, Certified Money, Marketing and Soul® coach.

But you must hurry! The $1,000 SAVINGS ENDS at midnight, THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 14.

Learn more about CMMS and download your application here.

This Week’s Money, Marketing and Soul® Article:

“How To Stop Spinning And Turn One Idea Into Multiple Streams Of 1ncome”

Years ago one of my advisors admonished me for having “too many ideas,” telling me I needed to curb my creativity. Crushed, I tried to do as she instructed but with little success. No wonder, because while she meant well, what she recommended was far too linear and inauthentic for me. Frustrated and practically in tears, it finally dawned on me the problem wasn’t too much creativity, but not enough proper channeling and directing of my creativity into profitable 1ncome streams. Once I realized what the problem was, I quickly designed a solution.

Read my tips on how you can do the same in today’s article I’ve written just for you. And be sure to post a comment on my blog and tell me what you think, okay? Enjoy!

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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My 2011 Certified Money, Marketing and Soul® Coach training program