Your energetic standards for money

by | Jun 25, 2021 | Coach Training

Did you know there are energetic standards for money that you live by?

And that YOU get to decide what they are?

Once you begin to understand that you are completely in control of what these are, you free yourself to experience the wealth you desire.

Let’s talk about a few of mine for a moment, so you can see what I mean.

I have an energetic standard for how much money is always in my bank account.

It’s a rule I call your Warrior Line and I honor it by never allowing it to go below that amount.

Another energetic standard I have is that clients make their payments, and I honor that by having a process in place to handle those times where a client’s payment doesn’t go through like clockwork.

One more I know you’ll love is I have the energetic standard that money flows in every day, and that money flows in from multiple sources.

Why am I being so transparent with you?

Because consistently experiencing things like money in the bank, client payments going through and money flowing in doesn’t happen by accident…they happen by decision.

I didn’t wait until they were happening – I made a decision that this is what I expect and accept as my normal, then started taking action to honor and support those standards.

This means taking massive responsibility and ownership for my life, when it’s not easy, convenient or comfortable.

I made the decision to have a Warrior Line years ago when I was continually stressed out juggling how to pay bills (this was in the early days of my coaching business).

I made the decision that clients make their payments because it was no longer acceptable to feel betrayed at someone ghosting on their commitment.

I made the decision that money flows in every day and from multiple sources, because I dislike the feeling of stressing out about when money would come in each month.

The secret to living the lifestyle that coaching women entrepreneurs gives you is in YOU deciding that you want it, how you want it.

This is not waiting or wishing or pinning your hopes on someone else changing so that you can start owning your worth.

There is literally nothing standing between you and these same energetic standards for money that I’m modeling for you.

Once you decide that this is your standard, you can’t ‘undecide’ it.

It’s done. Locked in your heart and soul.

It’s now who you are, and you’ll find that your reality will quickly catch up because that’s the way this works.

You begin to see the world through different eyes.

You are worthy of making money like you’ve never made it before.

You are worthy of creating transformation for others.

You are worthy of things turning around for you.

This is about creating a life and business that lights you up, exactly how YOU want, on your terms.

As always, you are worthy because you are.



PS – Becoming a Coach for women entrepreneurs is the perfect choice if you are a Fire Starter, you adore empowering women and you’re motivated to make money on your terms.

This is your opportunity to open the doors to the freedoms you desire most: time, money and impact.

Check out my Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification Training.

It’s been a life+money+freedom changing experience for women around the world and I have a hunch this might be the right moment for you, too!

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Your energetic standards for money