How To Avoid Coaching Burnout

How To Avoid Coaching Burnout

Building in practical ways to keep your energy strong so that you can show up as a powerful coach for your clients is critical to your success in your coaching business. Burn out is real, but it’s easy to avoid, and instead feel excited and energized as a result...
Creating Your Premium Coaching Model

Creating Your Premium Coaching Model

It’s no secret that I’ve been a leader of the premium coaching model since before it was a thing. But I see a lot of misconceptions floating around about what it isn’t, that are preventing whole-hearted women from stepping into using it in their...
Coaching Gives Women A Voice

Coaching Gives Women A Voice

Last night on Netflix we cozied up on the coach and watched a documentary about feminism in the 70’s. Mid-way through I turned to Richard and thanked him for watching it with me. Poor guy! I don’t know what he related to, as we heard story after story of...